Trump Agrees To A Temporary End Of US Government Shutdown

Under the weight of an avalanche of poignant testimonials, a growing bill and immense political pressure, Donald Trump finally gave up – temporarily – the financing of his wall on the Mexican border to be able to leave the “shutdown” the longest in the history of the United States.

Under intense pressure, Trump finally accepted what the Democrats had been demanding for weeks: to break the budget impasse before the resumption of any negotiations on measures to control illegal immigration.

After more than a month of paralysis affecting 800,000 civil servants without pay, Trump said he was “proud” to announce an agreement to end the partial “shutdown”, providing funding for federal services until February 15.

Congress then approved by Friday a unanimous agreement. Only stay with Donald Trump to sign it.

“Let’s hope the President has learned the lesson,” said the Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer, victorious.

“It is sad that it took so long to come to an obvious conclusion,” said House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has reinforced her reputation as a skilful strategist through the crisis.

Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer after the announcement of an agreement to come out of the “shutdown” on January 25, 2019, at the US Congress in Washington

Donald Trump, however, threatened a new budget paralysis from February 15 if no consensus was found on its project border wall. Even to declare an “emergency” situation that would allow him to activate extraordinary powers to bypass the Congress.

“We have no choice but to build a strong wall or a steel barrier,” he insisted.

Not enough, however, to appease a faction of the right wing of its base.

Furious that Trump temporarily yielded, the very conservative and influential polemicist Ann Coulter accused the president of being a “wimp”.

Donald Trump will certainly return to the topic of immigration during the traditional State of the Union address, which Nancy Pelosi had postponed due to “shutdown”. The Democratic leader, who is responsible for inviting the president, did not say Friday whether it would finally take place next Tuesday, as originally planned.


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