Is the most important meal of the day breakfast?

We have heard that the most important meal is breakfast, healthy and weak people do not disrupt the breakfast. Well, really?

The word ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ is an argument that all parents often use. But two-thirds of adults in the UK and three-fourths in the United States are known to have breakfast.

“Our body consumes a lot of energy during the night to grow and repair,” says nutritionist Sarah Elder.

But some of them do not agree with the importance attributed to breakfast. Some complain about the success of diets for not eating long hours during the day, and others complain of the impact of the crisp market, which aims to direct public perception about the importance of breakfast. There is even an academician who claims that breakfast is “dangerous”.

Is breakfast the best way to start the day, or do crunchy companies exaggerate the importance of breakfast in their own interest?

Routine change

Scientific research on breakfast mainly focuses on the connection between obesity and the other.

In a study examining the health data of 50 thousand people in the US, the body-mass index of people who think and practice the breakfast as the biggest meal of the day was lower than that of those who care about lunch or dinner.

The researchers attributed this to increasing the feeling of saturation of breakfast, reducing the daily calorie intake, increasing the quality of our diet by the help of the fiber foods, and by decreasing the risk of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity for later meals.

However, in order to respond to the question of whether this is really breakfast, the researchers organized a 12-week slimming program with 52 obese women. All of the women were taking the same amount of calories in one day, but half started the day with breakfast and the other half did not have breakfast.

Traditional English breakfast contains high protein.

Traditional English breakfast contains high protein.

It was seen that what made them lose weight was not to have breakfast but to change their normal routines. Those who had not previously had breakfast lost more weight than they did in their old routine when they started having breakfast. It was seen that those who used to have breakfast lost this meal and lost more weight than those who continued to eat breakfast.

Breakfast-obesity connection

So why is the connection between weight loss and obesity if breakfast alone is not the cause of weight loss?

Some attribute this problem to the fact that those who do not have breakfast have less information about nutrition and health. Those who eat breakfast may also be prone to positive behavior such as smoking or regular exercise.

When the results of 10 different studies were examined in 2016, it was concluded that the data linking breakfast and weight were “limited”. Claims that breakfast affected the weight or amount of food consumed remained baseless.

Those who make breakfast may be more conscious about health in general.

Intermittent fasting diet

After a certain time in the evening to eat and continue to do the same thing in the form of continued fasting fasting diet is a method of weight and general health.

In a study conducted in 2018, she demonstrated that this diet is effective in controlling blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity and lowering blood pressure.

Eight men who were at the border of diabetes were administered two different regimens: half consumed half of their daily calorie needs between 09.00 and 15.00 in the morning, while the other half consumed the same amount of calories over a period of 12 hours. It was seen that the tension of the first group decreased to the level created by the drug effect.

However, it is stated that the subject group is small and that more research is needed in this area in order to reveal the long-term benefits.

The fact that an academician increases the amount of cortisol at the beginning of the day and that this causes the type 2 diabetes by increasing the insulin resistance in time, the fact that he finds the morning breakfast to be m dangerous Bir is not very popular among the researchers.

Experts, the high rhythm of the body in the morning due to high cortisol rate stems from the body.

In a study conducted with 18 people with diabetes who had 18 diabetes problems last year, it was observed that not having breakfast disrupted body clock in both groups and caused sudden increases in blood sugar level after the first meal. Researchers concluded that breakfast is important for the normal functioning of the body clock.

Dinner time is important

However, Courtney Peterson, a nutritionist at the University of Alabama, stresses that those who do not have breakfast should be divided into two groups. Those who eat in the morning and eat dinner at normal hours, benefit from the intermittent fasting diet, breakfast and those who eat late at dinner, the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart and vascular disease is greatly increased.

For this reason, Peterson believes that it is more important to stand over the time of eating dinner than breakfast.

Blood glucose control is the best in the early hours of the day. When we have dinner late, it becomes difficult to control. Therefore, even if we skipped breakfast we should be careful not to eat late.

A study conducted at two universities in the UK examines the effect of food hours on weight. Findings indicate that doing breakfast in the morning is beneficial in terms of weight control.

cereals are supplemented with vitamins, those who consume it can get more food. But it is important to keep in mind that cereals contain too much sugar.

Healthy foods

Breakfast doesn’t only affect your weight. It is stated that not having breakfast increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes by more than 20 percent.

One of the reasons for this may be the nutritional value of breakfast. In Western countries, the habit of eating crisp breakfast is common. Attending various vitamin and mineral supplements to breakfast cereals. In a study conducted in the UK over 1600 young people, it was observed that those having regular breakfast had better levels of fiber and folic acid, vitamin C, iron and calcium.

Breakfast is believed to improve memory and concentration.

Experts also believe that breakfast has a positive effect on memory and concentration. But what he eats for breakfast is also important.

Some research shows that high-protein breakfast reduces food consumption during the day.

Crispy consumption for breakfast in the UK and the US is quite common. However, the fact that cereals contain high sugar content causes concern.

Some would say that it would be better to do it in the morning if it would be consumed sweetly.

As a result of 54 studies, it is emphasized that there is no consensus on which type of breakfast is more useful, and the main thing is eating something in the morning.

If you want to eat dessert at all it may be more accurate to do in the morning.

However, some experts believe that the body’s natural flow, eating a sense of hunger is not a problem at dinner.

Someone wants to eat something in the morning. Research on people at the border of diabetes, food, blood sugar, such as oatmeal, such as food, concluded that useful food.

Some experts believe that such research should be done by considering personal differences. In addition, leaving aside the eating habits of the day, focusing on only one meal will not give the right results.


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