On Wednesday, October 10, 2018, popular teen actress Regina Daniels is celebrating her 16th birthday for the third time. To mark the special day of this Nollywood star, her boyfriend named Somadina has taken to sharing a loved up video commemorating her big day and their special love.
The long time partner of the beautiful Regina Daniels expressed a lot of emotional feelings in the video which he shared on his Instagram page. Somadina, who is also a rising actor, mirrored a lot of loved up moments he and his sweetheart has had. He then went ahead to complement it with an Asian song that evidently reflects the taste of the actress. Somadina, in showing love to her, also added a caption in which he also attested to her being 16 years old. "Happy Birthday Baby ❤️. The most beautiful amongst the beauties, loveliest amongst the lovelies and prettiest amongst the pretties. Stay healthy and blessed !! Happy Sweet 16. Sweet 16 Forever !!"
Many fans of Somadina were curious about the special song he dedicated to Regina in the video. A particular fan named rayhanna61 appeared to be very familiar with the song and so revealed its source: "Actually this song was originally from a movie called rustom acted by Akshay Kumar, but most times they use it in King of heart." Somadina who has bagged roles in hilarious sitcoms has always been known for flaunting his relationship with the beautiful actress. Beyond the video he made, he also took to his Insta story to wish the beauty whom he called his 'screen boo' a happy birthday.
Many a times, Somadina is always on set with Regina and he has proven that their constant togetherness has contributed to the bond they share.