President Buhari Mourns As Another Top Govt Official Dies

'President Buhari, Buratai, NBC Director-General Must Resign Over Lekki Massacre'

President Muhammadu Buhari has described the late Prof. Habu Galadima as one of the best Director-Generals to ever head the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS).

The President said this on Sunday via a statement by his official spokesman, Garba Shehu which conveyed his reaction to the death of Prof. Galadima.

As earlier reported by Naija News, Galadima passed away Sunday morning after a brief illness. His death came barely one year after assuming office as the Director-General of NIPSS in August 2019.

Buhari in his reaction said the late DG is “an intellectual colossus who stood tall in the field of scholarship and knowledge.”

Adding that “Galadima was an eloquent and remarkable intellectual whose contributions to scholarship were vast & remarkable, & Nigeria will continue to remember him for these contributions,” the President said while commiserating with his family, friends, the govt. & people of Nasarawa State.

President Buhari noted that “with the death Galadima, NIPPS and Nigeria at large has lost one of the best DGs ever appointed to head the institute.”

He prayed to Allah to forgive the soul of the departed and reward his good deeds with Al Jannah.

Meanwhile, Police have rescued 80 students of Islamiyya schools and four others abducted by gunmen on Saturday night in Mahuta town, Dandume LGA, Katsina state.

Naija News reports that this is coming fews days after the release of 344 students of Government Secondary School in Kankara LGA of the state.

The Islamic students were on their way back home after they attended a maulid procession at Unguwar Al-Kasim, a nearby village.


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