Trump Backtracks On Plot To Strip Visas From Nigerian Students In USA

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Donald Trump has backtracked‎ on his earlier policy which set to strip visas from Nigerian and other international students studying in the United  States of America.

Naija News Understands that the new visa rule received wide criticisms as the policy would have subjected foreign students to deportation if they did not show up for a class on campus.

The loss of international students will also cost universities millions of dollars in tuition and jeopardised the ability of US companies to hire highly skilled workers who often start their careers with American education.

According to another source, the White House is now focused on having the rule apply only to new students, rather than students already in the U.S. The White House declined to comment on an ongoing policy process.

Meanwhile, the  U.S. District Judge Allison Burroughs, revealed that the administration will return to the policy that was in effect in March, which provided more flexibility for students enrolled in schools that switched to all-online courses because of the pandemic.

MIT President L. Rafael Reif celebrated the government’s decision in a statement Tuesday.

This case also made abundantly clear that real lives are at stake in these matters, with the potential for real harm,” he said. “We need to approach policymaking, especially now, with more humanity, more decency — not less.”




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