10 Ways To Make Money Out Of This Valentine

As Valentine’s day draws closer, people all over the world are already getting set to make this day special for themselves and lovers to think about love and romance.

While some seem ready to bear the financial cost of the lovers’ celebration, some are still in the thoughts of gathering enough cash to make the celebration a blissful one for themselves and lovers.

For regular workers or salary earners, it could be a little bit challenging for them to gather the required funds to enjoy their Valentine, while the other might be the case for entrepreneurs.

For entrepreneurs or business-oriented people, the Valentine which is already in the air could be an avenue for business-minded people to get their own share of the monies that lovers would be spending during the cause of the one-day celebration.

While others are racking their brains on how to make extra-monies to spend during this celebration, entrepreneurs should be thinking on how to make good and reasonable monies from the forth-coming celebration as it is another opportunity for entrepreneurs to amass wealth.

For these entrepreneurs who are rather interested in making monies than spending during this lovers’ day, Naija News brings to you about ten (10) businesses you could possibly go into with a little capital and that would thrive in the cause of the Valentine celebration.

Here are the business ideas:

1. Flower Selling; Although reports have it that flowers are not appreciated all over the world as there are opinions that some girls in Nigeria especially, would prefer receiving handy gifts than receiving just flowers during this celebration. However, accompanying your handy gifts with some flowers would not be a bad idea as well. For entrepreneurs, selling flowers could be a big hit this period although this business requires your skills in flower arrangement to offer beautiful bouquets of flowers to customers.

2. Delivery services; With just a stipend as capital, you could deliver gifts to the doorsteps of recipients. You can deliver gifts from people who want to send their items to their loved ones during the celebration. Gifts should be delivered the same day and almost immediately. However, to go into this business, you might just employ the use of your own car or motorcycle to achieve this. You could also use a public transport system to achieve this but remember to keep your delivery items safe and also remember to gain the trust of your patronizers.

 3. Chocolates; Because chocolates represent sweetness, lovers buy chocolates to show how sweet and thoughtful they are to their loved ones. You can go into the sales of chocolates or add these products to your flower-selling business.

4. Cakes and pastries; This Valentine period could be another opportunity for caterers and those who bake snacks, cakes and other pastries as heart-shaped cakes and pastries are also among the hottest products during the Valentine’s Day. Bakers could also take orders from customers who want to impress their special someone with a taste of your product.

5. Event or party organizing; This is another opportunity for interior decorators, event planners to explore their market during the celebration. As an entrepreneur, you could organize Valentine’s Day event or party for lovers. You could also go an extra mile to organise events for singles who might just find their perfect match at your event may be. Please always remember not to make your gate fee too expensive or unaffordable for your intended targets.

6. Greeting cards; As cheap as a greeting card could be, it is very appreciated among lovers. During this period, you could seize the opportunity to make greeting cards available for people who might want to pen-down heart-melting messages for their loved ones. This business is an added advantage for graphic designers as they could utilize their talents in graphic design to create beautiful and touching Valentine’s Day cards. The Internet is always a wide source to get ideas for your designs and contents in the greeting card.

7. Gift wrapping; It is one thing to buy gifts, it is also a bigger job to carefully and beautifully wrap these gifts. Because everyone wants an impressive wrap for their gifts and not everyone could wrap or has the time to wrap gifts, gift-wrapping business isn’t also a bad business for this season.

8. Photography; Because people want their important moments recorded and shared, there would definitely be a need for photography and videography during the cause of the Valentine celebration. You could also help your self by helping these sets of people record their wonderful moments on photographs or video files. All you need for this is a working camera and your time.

9. Musical performance/Movies; Sweet love music or songs are what people want to be played and heard so as to cement their relationships during the day of love. If you’re a professional singer, musician, or have a live band, you could also seize the opportunity to perform at live concerts to entertain lovers from all areas of life. During this season of love, romantic, relationship and love movies are on high demands. You could shoot your own movie if you are financially buoyant enough or you could do skits depending on your ‘pocket’

10. Jewellery/Wines; Because jewellery like diamonds, golds, and other precious stones are valuable, investing in these jewelries wouldn’t be a bad idea. Over time, research has also proven that the jewellery industry also blooms during the Valentine season. Women like diamonds, gold, and other precious jewelries. Because wines are also always present in every event especially when it comes to making a toast to your special someone; the sales of wines would also boom for an entrepreneur this day. Aside from expensive jewelries or wines, love arts and crafts could also be manufactured and sold during the day.

Because of the era of digital and social media, instead of thinking of the cost of acquiring an office space, you could make use of the digital and social media, you could use the internet or your social media handles as your office space to connect with your target market who are likely going to patronize you during the cause of the celebration.

Recall that Naija news had earlier reported on some beautiful valentine messages you could text to your lover this season

source https://www.naijanews.com/2020/02/10/10-ways-to-make-money-out-of-this-valentine/

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