Women Set To Fight For Political Positions In 2023

The non-existence of women in many political positions and activities has been frowned against by the female political leaders in the southeast, Nigeria.

Women, however, demand that both genders should have equal rights pertaining to political positions.

This group of women leaders stated this during their 3days workshop by Alliance for Africa tagged: ‘Sustaining political spaces for continuity as leaders through active participation and constituency projects involvement’, held in Enugu.

The women insisted that women also have every right to be politically involved in the affairs of the country.

The women group expressed their displeasure that politics have been ‘all men affair’ over the years especially in electoral businesses.

In addition, they stated that the high cost of the participation forms was a major strategy applied by mostly the PDP and the APC to push the women away.

They, however, gave an example concerning the recent development in Abia State stating that Abia had no elected female member of the House of Assembly.

A former 2-term Abia state legislator, Hon. Dr Blessing Nwagba read a statement stating: “The South Eastern states have only 3, 3 and 2 out of 27, 19 and 17 slots for female commissioners in Abia, Ebonyi and Imo states, respectively.

“Abia state has no female lawmaker to represent them in the House of Assembly, while Imo has 2 out of 27 lawmakers in the state. Women need to be in a position to represent and deliver societal needs through governance.”

The women concluded that they will try every effort to be involved and attain political positions in 2023.

“We are going to formulate actions. We will continue to put pressure, create awareness on the need for women to be more involved in politics for result oriented governance.

‘Women participation in politics in Nigeria is only four percent, while in many African countries like Rwanda, South Africa etc, the ratio has gone up to 36 percent. We must continue to seek ways of addressing the wrongs done to women in Nigeria,” Nwagba concluded.

source https://www.naijanews.com/2019/09/06/women-set-to-fight-for-political-positions-in-2023/

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