Shekau, Boko Haram Leader Appears In New Video Recites Nigeria’s Anthem

A video has emerged showing the embattled leader of Jama’atu Ahlil-Sunnah Lid-Da’awati Wal-Jihad, otherwise known as Boko Haram in flowing white apparels holding an AK47 rifle as he read a prepared speech in Arabic about the doctrines of the sect.

Recall that Shekau had been weakened by an internal feud that led to the emergence of another faction in 2016 and persistent military campaign by the Nigerian Army as well as the Multinational Joint Task Force appeared to have impaired eyesight as he struggled to read his group’s ideology in Arabic, while also, reciting Nigeria’s National pledge in English, which he repeatedly said was an act of Shirk.

The speech which was read in Arabic, according to analyst may be calling out to the international jihadi community, and not the local audience in the Lake Chad region. This is because Boko Haram has been made a pariah terror group in the region, following rivalry between Shekau and several warlords that gainsaid his more extreme ideology, especially the use of women and children as suicide bombers in Muslim places of worship, Internally Displaced Person camps and markets.

Shekau may be reaching out for support, according to analysts, which rival groups in the region enjoys, by clearly highlighting the group’s doctrines. Detailed translation of the video to be made available shortly.

Watch the Video Below which will sonn be uploaded by Terrorism reporter, Ahmad Salkida



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