Gunmen Set Ablaze, Kill 16 In Truck Ambush

Unidentified gunmen on Friday ambushed a cargo truck with passengers, killing 16 people on Tuesday in Macomia district in Mozambique’s northern province of Cabo Delgado.

The attack occurred in the afternoon hours of the day when armed men came up from the woods and started firing sporadically at the vehicle.

Naija News understands that the attackers burnt down the vehicle in which eight people died almost immediately, including three soldiers.

Another set involving seven passengers, who were rescued by the nearby community after sustaining various degrees of bullet wounds also died eventually.

This is coming after the Chief Commander of the Police of Mozambique, Bernardino Rafael, had said that attacks were financed by illegal miners.

“They are garimpeiros that we fought in the past for their illegal activities. They attack us back as reprisal,’’ the commander said earlier in the week.


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