Buhari Committed To Free, Fair 2019 Elections – Onyeama Tells UN Delegates

Geoffrey Onyeama, Foreign Affairs Minister, has expressed the readiness of President Muhammadu Buhari to conduct free, fair and credible election in 2019.

The minister made this known when he hosted Mr Mohamed Ibn Chambas Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), who led a delegation to visit him in Abuja.

“Mr President is determined that each vote must count and eligible Nigerians should have the opportunity to exercise their franchise.

“We have to practice what we preach,’’ he said.

Chambas, while speaking, applauded the impact Nigeria led by President Muhammadu Buhari was making in the ECOWAS region.

He added that President Buhari has done a long to ensure political stability in the region.

“We believe that the President will fulfill his promise of conducting free, fair and credible elections in 2019,’’ he said.

Chambas urged all the institutions responsible for successful conduct of the 2019 elections to live up to their responsibility and expectations of the international community.

NAN reports that the delegation had, in its report, expressed satisfaction that all institutions responsible for delivering free, fair and credible elections were working to achieve the mandate

source https://www.naijanews.com/2018/10/31/buhari-committed-to-free-fair-2019-elections-onyeama-tells-un-delegates/

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